Laurane Muller, E-commerce Project Manager for fischer France is pleased to answer our questions about their use of the PAARLY competitor monitoring and price optimization solution within the fischer company. Discover the results and surprises obtained by the brand of fasteners fischer.
Marketplaces and pricing strategies
Whether we are talking about B2C or B2B, it’s clear that e-commerce is becoming an oligopoly. This trend is illustrated by, among other things, the development and new massive power of marketplaces. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the case of Google: its hegemony […]
The Inseparability of Pricing Strategy and eRetail
“Having a well-defined pricing strategy has become essential for any e-retailer.”
Brands: What Questions are you Asking about your Resellers?
Hey, Brands! Do you know what your Resellers are doing?
Web to Store: Always in Style
« The Internet Reflex » The so-called ROPO (Research Online Purchase Offline) is now common practice to which we have given a name. Having become more a reflex than an after thought, most buyers now go online before making a purchase: 91% of buyers to […]
Pricing policy: The Spoils of eCommerce War
“Pricing is one of the main drivers of an e-commerce site in search of profitability.” Indeed, a simple variation of 5% to 10% of the price of certain products may have an important impact on the profitability of the site. Thus, the pricing policy often […]
The eCommerce Trends that will Pump-up your Online Presence
Too busy to read the Deloitte 5th Annual Ecommerce Assessment covering the trends of the top 100 eCommerce Retailers? Of course you are, you have an online business to run! Well you’re in luck, because here at PAARLY we’ve read it for you and we’re […]
What the Google ‘Buy Button’ will mean for eRetailers
At the Code Conference on Wednesday, May 27th in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, Google announced that they will soon be adding a ‘buy button’ directly on the search result pages in order to make it easier for eShoppers to make immediate purchases.